
Lab of Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Informatics


Early Seizure Detection by Applying Frequency-Based Algorithm Derived from the Principal Component Analysis
Year 2017
Month Aug
Journal Frontiers in Neuroinformatics (IF: 3.87)
Author Jiseon Lee, Junhee Park, Sejung Yang, Hani Kim, Yun Seo Choi, Hyeon Jin Kim, Hyang Woon Lee, Byung-Uk Lee
Link 관련링크 1749회 연결
Jiseon Lee, Junhee Park, Sejung Yang, Hani Kim, Yun Seo Choi, Hyeon Jin Kim, Hyang Woon Lee, Byung-Uk Lee, “Early Seizure Detection by Applying Frequency-Based Algorithm Derived from the Principal Component Analysis”, Frontiers in Neuroinformatics,, Aug. 2017 (IF: 3.87)